

Return value: A list of all Hackathons in the site.

Hackathon feilds and description:

Feild Description
title Hackathon title
open_state opne or not
thumbnail_url thumbnail url of the hackathon
analytics_identifier analytics identifier of the hackathon
url url of the hackathon
time_left_to_submission time left to submit the hackathon
submission_period_dates submission period dates of the hackathon
prize_amount prize amount of the hackathon
registrations_count registrations count of the hackathon
featured true if the hackathon is featured, false otherwise.
organization_name organization name of the hackathon
winners_announced true if the hackathon winners are announced, false otherwise.
submission_gallery_url submission gallery url of the hackathon
start_a_submission_url start a submission url of the hackathon
invite_only true if the hackathon is invite only, false otherwise.



Return value: A list of all contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
site The website hosting the contest, which is one of the following: CodeForces, CodeForces::Gym, TopCoder, AtCoder, CS Academy, CodeChef, HackerRank, HackerEarth, Kick Start, LeetCode, Toph,
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.

Return value: A list of all CodeForces contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.



Return value: A list of all CodeForces::Gym contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
difficulty Contest difficulty (number of stars).
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.

Return value: A list of all TopCoder contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.

Return value: A list of all AtCoder contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
rated_range The rating limit for rated participation in the contest.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.

Return value: A list of all CodeChef contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.

Return value: A list of all HackerRank contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
type_ Contest type, either Regular or College.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.



Return value: A list of all HackerEarth contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
type_ Contest type.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.

Kick Start


Return value: A list of all Kick Start contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.

Return value: A list of all LeetCode contests in the site.

Contest feilds and description:

Feild Description
name Contest name.
url Contest link.
start_time Start time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
end_time End time of the contest in UTC (Format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ) if exists, - otherwise.
duration Contest duration in seconds if exists, - otherwise.
in_24_hours Yes if the contest starts within the next 24 hours, No otherwise.
status CODING if the contest is running, BEFORE otherwise.